A short game where the goal is to collect as much candy as possible. I had a lot of fun making it, and learned a lot, so I hope you enjoy.

You can walk around used WASD, or arrow keys. Press space to interact or skip dialogue.

I know it's kind of lacking on the story... So sorry about that. But I hope you like it, and let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

Have a nice day!


TreatDesktop.zip 34 MB


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Hello and thank you for that beautiful game. I really like picking up all the candy and got better and better at avoiding the red ones even if some evil red ones still made it into my stomach, really not delicious!
It has a nice music and even if the graphics need a little improvement (that comes with the time, don´t worry) it was really fun to play.
You already sayd that it lacks on story, but you still tried a little story at the beginning, I like that. So the only thing you could make better is a longer time for collecting the candies, I had to restart the game so often because mom picked me up, please give me more time to knock on some more doors.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you yes, I had a good day. I looked over the graphics a second time and took some notes you can take them as tips:
- I really like the animated text and the colors you used in there, it marks the most important things
- also the colors into the room where the player wakes up are very good
(all in all when you use colors it´s best to look at the saturation of the colors, only the main color should be the most saturated. The more the other colors are away from it on the color palette the less saturation they should have. That´s not a direct rule but a good way to start, it´s often taught on youtube, you can watch thousands of videos to this, they´ll explain you way better what to do than my text)
- the other thing is that your drawings look like you were unconcious while drawing. That can be fixed easily through drawing daily (even 10-15 minutes will improve your skills, trust me). You can draw from imagination, from real life and also from pictures on the internet (for example: you might not see a whale all the time, you can draw it from photographs made by others or you can first draw a flower from imagination and than you draw it from real life or from a photograph, that will also give you a new way of thinking about the world, you´re gonna think more and more "3D")
_ the last thing is that you´ve combined sharp, beautiful pixels (sry, I love pixels) with freehand drawing + the free handed stuff looks like I forgot to put my glasses on (it shouldn´t be that harsh but this describes it the best) it´s not good to combine different types of art, even the most professionals don´t do it. It just feels a little wrong to look at.

At the end I wanna say that everything I wrote is for your improvement. I wanna show you things that could be better, but I still like the game and it´s not as bad as it might seem after reading my comment (don´t now if you think so too but when I analyse things I´m so direct it always sounds a bit evil. I do the same when I look over my own work so don´t worry, it´s really not meant to be evil).

Wish you also a nice day and when you need my opinion again - just tell me.

Deleted 1 year ago